Why Vibe for Brainstorming?

Brainstorming is the standard starting point for problem solving for organizations big and small.  According to The Importance of Brainstorming, brainstorming doesn’t just encourage critical thinking it also supports team building, sparks creativity, and invites diverse viewpoints into the conversation. It’s a healthy way to get the team working together for a common cause, and …

Collaboration Skills: The Importance of Ideation and Feedback

Working as a team looks pretty different today than it did a few years ago. More than a quarter of the workforce now prefers fully remote positions, and even more see hybrid work models as the ideal solution to improving their own work-life balance. The way we work is evolving. A new way of work …

Becoming an Ideator: What It Is and How to Do It On a Vibe Smart Whiteboard

Ideas are everywhere. Often, it’s a single idea that sparks an entire business—but that’s not where the ideation stops. Some of the world’s most well-known ideators, such as Walt Disney or Albert Einstein, have one thing in common: they never stopped thinking of new ideas. While some ideators are born with a natural ability, it’s …