Understanding Wardley Maps

No matter what your team is trying to accomplish, a well-thought-out, strategic plan is an essential first step. Overcoming unpredictability is a breeze when you prioritize planned strategies—strategies that predict potential roadblocks and leverage the knowledge your team already possesses. Although some plans could appear foolproof from the outside, they often aren’t well-equipped to fully …

Strategy Diamond Overview

When it comes to strategy, there’s no such thing as a foolproof plan. In order to ensure things go as planned, you’ll need a comprehensive plan.  Using a Strategy Diamond Model is a simple approach to illustrate how the many elements of an organization’s strategy are interconnected with one another. This blog will discuss the …

Guide to the Impact Effort Matrix

One of the major challenges that business owners and project managers commonly face is determining how they can make the most efficient use of their time and resources. For instance, is it preferable to emphasize low-impact projects because they demand a comparably low amount of work, or should the focus be working on high-impact projects? …

Guide to Four Actions Frameworks

Have you heard of the Four Actions Framework? It’s a business tool that’s applicable in nearly every industry. The success stories are countless for organizations looking to establish new value offerings and markets. But how does this strategy work? What are its benefits? And what are the steps to building one? This blog has the …

Understanding the Kano Model Analysis

Everyone’s enthusiastic when it comes to developing new products. From ideation to commercialization, every team member has ideas to make things happen. However, as good as the excitement is, it nearly always leads to teams having too many elements to consider, leaving you unsure where to even begin.You start wondering which features will be effective …

Overview of Strategy Maps & How to Use Them

Planning for the future of your company is a great way to guarantee its success, especially as your business expands and changes to meet the demands of clients and customers—and with a strategy map, it’s easier than ever. One of the numerous tools that you might use in the process of planning is called a …

Guide to Affinity Diagrams: What They Are & How to Make Them

Team leaders and managers are right when they say that brainstorming is the starting point when trying to unearth solutions to complex challenges. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t brainstorm correctly—or avoid brainstorming altogether due to past failures. In either case, it amounts to the same thing: they miss out on the advantages of a …

How to Make a Mind Map in 6 Steps

Not familiar yet with the mind mapping technique? This comprehensive and extensive mind-mapping starter kit will be perfect for you. This post encompasses everything, from what mind mapping is to the benefits of creating one. Additionally, it will highlight six critical steps of creating a powerful mind map. Let’s dive into it, beginning from the …

Pros and Cons List: How to Effectively Put One Together

Have you ever engaged in a heated discussion with somebody who simply refused to see things from your perspective? They’re so confident in their own rightness that they fail to examine any evidence to the contrary. Frustrating, right? That’s because it’s often difficult to decide among available options. The world we live in is filled …

Opportunity Solution Tree Overview

In business, opportunity means the potential for gain. In other words, it’s when something positive happens and you can take advantage of it to make or save money. It could be anything from a new market opening up to a cost going down.  The opportunities in your business are everywhere; you just have to know …