How to Make Virtual Meetings More Interactive & Increase Employee Engagement

You’ve been chairing a virtual meeting for 15 minutes straight. You glance at the audience, and they look distracted, disengaged, and bored. You throw a question, and silence reigns. Now, you start getting discouraged and rush through your meeting, hoping to get things over quickly. Here’s the thing: It doesn’t have to be this way. …

How a Smart Whiteboard Can Help Make Your Presentations Interactive

Smart whiteboard presentations already show you’re a cut above the rest—but it’s time to take it a step further. It’s time to make your next presentation interactive. Why? It’s simple: the more interactive your presentation is, the more attention-grabbing it is. And today, getting your audience’s attention is the difference between a memorable meeting and …

Comparing Interactive Whiteboards vs. the Vibe Board

You’ve heard about interactive whiteboards (sometimes called Interactive Flat Panel Displays, or IFPDs) and you’ve heard about the Vibe Board. So, what exactly is the difference between the two? In this blog, we’ll explore what sets the two apart, breaking it down by hardware, software, key features, notable capabilities, and more.  Let’s get started. What …

7 Ways to Use a Smart Whiteboard for Math Lessons

Smart whiteboards are an excellent tool for math lessons, as they provide teachers and students alike with a new set of tools, modes of communication, and opportunities for fun mixed in with learning. But how exactly can a smart whiteboard be incorporated in math lessons? Knowing exactly how to use a smart whiteboard is absolutely …

How to Use A Smart Whiteboard in the Classroom | Vibe

Today, smart whiteboards are fast replacing blackboards and projectors in classrooms. Teachers are using these interactive boards to teach and engage with students in a more collaborative and fun way. Even better? Learning how to use a smart whiteboard in the classroom is simple and straightforward. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel (or your …

How to Train Remote Employees

Research and studies have revealed that the remote work model positively influences productivity and employee engagement. However, it also comes with some challenges. These challenges typically arise when training employees. Whether you have new employees you need to train or want to bring your existing team up to date about a process change, remote training can be …

Guide to Running a Successful Virtual Brainstorm

Idea generation is always a great starting point for any business decision-making. Beyond the obvious benefit of getting new thoughts on the table, it’s also an opportunity to foster teamwork in your organization. Still, knowing about the concept of idea generation and executing it are two different undertakings—especially when virtual brainstorm sessions are the new …

10 Tips to Improving Your Virtual Presentations

When presenting and speaking in front of an audience, you have a wide range of virtual presentation tips and tricks to take into account. However, it’s also crucial to keep in mind what challenges or obstacles are associated with this kind of presentation. As convenient as a remote meeting can be, creating an effective virtual …

How to Use Vibe for Construction Management

Construction projects of all sizes often involve a lot of people and many moving parts. While construction management has functioned without digital tools for decades, firms and companies are turning to new resources to streamline processes and avoid delays. From project management to scheduling, planning, and client presentations, there are a lot of reasons to …

How to Create a Hybrid Work Schedule

2020 forced businesses of all sizes to rapidly readjust. Transitioning to fully remote, often with little strategy in place, many employers braced for the worst. Luckily, after two years of remote and hybrid work, the results have been promising—employees are more productive and even happier working from home.  While employees have begun to indicate that …